Devil’s Churn and Coast Towns: 8/19

Written October 2018

Day 2

We woke up early on Sunday morning to try and make the morning High Tide at the shore.  To maximize time though, we decided to drive out to Devil’s Churn instead of make the walk out there.  We actually didn’t wind up seeing that much crazy activity in the churn itself…but there was some cool crashes of water against the rocks further out on the shoreline that was fun to see.  It was also neat to walk right alongside Devil’s Churn itself, where we could look down into the inlet itself.

Crashing Waves

Mossy Rocks

Outer Churn

Inner Churn

Once we started getting hungry, we made our way back to the car, and back into camp.  We started off by making our typical breakfast pancakes…but then decided to liven them up a little.  And I think we found the new hot breakfast meal….Pancake S’mores!!  Add in a side of mangoes, and it was a delicious breakfast!

After we finished breakfast, we packed up our campsite, and said goodbye to Cape Perpetua.  We drove up a little bit and stopped off in the small town of Yachats to walk around there for a little while to burn off those s’mores. We checked out the Farmer’s Market…a couple small shops…and just hung out and enjoyed the view of the coast for a bit.  Overall, it was a cute little town!

From there, we just drove along the coast for most of the way home…taking a little longer way, out to Tillamook.  We stopped off at a couple places just to check out some more coastal views, and also at Newport to get some lunch.  We had a couple more pre-made burritos to eat…I guess we made like 5 of them Friday night??  They got the job done.

Unfortunately after Newport, there was a ton of traffic for some time, and we were crawling on 101 for some time… but we eventually made it out to Tillamook.  Over there, we decided to stop off at the Tillamook Cheese Factory to get some ice cream and free cheese.  The ice cream line was way too long though….so we just opted for some free cheese instead, where we got to have some delicious curds!  After we had our cheese fill, we made our way back home, and ended our fun little weekend on the coast!

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