Rainy and Overcast: 6/13

Written October 2019

Today was raining off and on, with mostly clouds in the sky, so we weren’t able to do as much things outside, and needed to do so reading up on what there was to do indoors.  The morning weather was dry at least though, so we were able to do some falls viewing then.  When headed over to the Observation Tower, and got a nice view of the American Falls and Rainbow Bridge from the deck over here.

Then we took the elevator down, to where we would get on the Maid of the Mist if we wanted…but decided against it for today.  I decided to take a walk up some stairs to get up close to the other falls, which weren’t as close to in the Cave of the Winds.  I didn’t have a poncho, only my jacket, so I got pretty wet…

After this, we walked around the area a little bit, before driving around some to see if there was anything else to see on the American side.  We did find a couple nice parks…but because it was so cloudy out by now, there wasn’t much to see…and the rain was starting to come down harder now, so we didn’t stay out too long.

We wound up finding a good place to escape the rain though… the Niagara Power Plant Authority.  It was actually a pretty neat place…really educational on how the history of the power plants of Niagara Falls and how they work.  The visitor center was really interactive, and a great place for kids (and adults) to learn.  I learned that Tesla beat out Edison in a battle of AC vs DC as the best way to utilize the falls’ power.

The coolest experience they had was a metal ball which they ran a small current of electricity through, so that your hair wound raise when you held onto it.  Norina’s hair went up really nice!! Mine, you could barely notice go up.

After we exhausted the Power Plant Center, we decided to make our way up to the Canadian side.  The border crossing took a little while, but we got through with no issues!  Norina and I actually almost forgot to bring out passports…until my mom reminded us last minute before our flight out.  We checked into our hotel, and decided to walk around to find a very late lunch for ourselves.  I found a Smoke’s Poutinerie on the map, so decided to introduce them all to this delicious Canadian treat!

Our timing was perfect, because almost the whole walk from the hotel to the poutinery was dry, as it rained right when we arrived and while we ate…and then when we were ready to leave, it stopped!  So we decided to take the longer way back to our hotel, going along the path following the river to get some different views of the falls.  We were now straight across from the American Falls…and as we walked along the river, got a closer view of Horseshoe Falls.  But we didn’t go far enough to get such a great view of it yet..figured we had time for that tomorrow.

Before going back to our rooms, we stopped by the mall and casino.  We got some free-play slot credits from the hotel, so decided to try out luck out.  Before we got in the casino though, we stopped in a hot sauce shop to sample some spicy spicy!  Then as we were walking in the casino, I realized that my slot credit card wasn’t in my pocket anymore.  I went back to the hot sauce shop, and I guess I accidentally threw it in the trash with my napkin for some reason…thankfully I easily found it on top of the trash!  Good thing too, because Norina and I wound up winning around $15-20, as I decided to quit while we were ahead.  My parents didn’t wind up winning anything as they kept going until they were down to nothing.

Back in the hotel, we rested a little bit, and then got ready for a magic show (another free courtesy from our hotel).  The weather was looking dry, so we decided to walk again, even though it was a little bit of a walk.  It was actually a really fun evening of illusions where he would make animals and assistants disappear and reappear out of nowhere.  I was really impressed…every time we kept trying to guess as to how he was doing it, he would do a trick to prove that theory wrong.  Afterwards, Norina and I were even able to get up close and personal with his tiger for a nice picture!  Then finally, to cap off the night, we had a very late (10pm) small dinner in a Chinese restaurant in the mall near to our hotel.  I think maybe we just got soup and noodles to share.  We still weren’t too hungry, as the poutine lunch was really filling! (and we actually hadn’t even finished it)

Back in our room now, we turned on the tv to the 4th quarter of Game 6 of the NBA Finals between the Raptors and Warriors.  It was an exciting back and forth quarter, with momentum constantly switching.  In the end, the Raptors pulled out the huge upset, and just about an hour away in Toronto, the streets were wild with celebration and jubilous fans!  The first NBA Championship for Canada!! While that was going on, we decided to unwind and relax in our soap-bubbled filled bathtub, as we calmly and safely watching the celebration onn our hotel room tv 🙂  Great way to end the day!

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